A comprehensive kit for social inclusion of people with mental disabilities


The Strategy builds on the results of the previous European Disability Strategy 2010-2020, which paved the way to a barrier-free Europe and to empower persons with disabilities so they can enjoy their rights and participate fully in society and economy.
Despite the progress made in the past decade, persons with disabilities still face considerable barriers and have a higher risk of poverty and social exclusion.
Together with our 4 partners (organizations that are active in Romania, Portugal, Greece, and Italy) we have started discussing the prospect of developing a project for our network of adult educators that work with adults with disabilities as well as for the adults themselves.
Adults with mental disabilities.
Organizations active in Romania, Portugal, Greece, and Italy.

The project will therefore have a twofold approach
Focusing on developing competencies for the professionals and providing adequate support and content for adults with mental disabilities.
The project will not have only punctual interventions and activities with the group of 50 adults with mental disabilities, but it will have weekly interventions so that we can indeed monitor the progress of these adults.
What the CALMD project aims to achieve?:
To empower a group of 50 adults with intellectual disabilities in order for them to lead an autonomous personal, professional, and social life, through a process-oriented methodology (constant support meetings), through training, and through project results.
To foster social inclusion for a group of 50 adults with mental disabilities that participate in the project, through the specific support and educational activities of the project.
To develop competencies for a group of 50 practitioners from the 5 participating organizations in the field of support for people with intellectual disabilities, focusing on the promotion of autonomous life.
The partnership will work together to produce:

Virtual Campus (Portugal) is a development, training, and consulting SME in the area of Technology Enhanced Learning. Its vision is to actively promote the development of the Knowledge Society by supporting public and private entities in the process of designing and developing learning strategies and projects that lead to increased societal benefits. Virtual Campus has successfully produced e-learning content, online courses (MOOCs), and serious games for different platforms (desktops, mobile, tablet), in different environments (online, standalone) for different purposes (vocational training, emergency services, higher education, secondary education) and in different scopes (European projects, client contracts).
Contact: projects@virtual-campus.eu
Website: www.virtual-campus.eu

The University of the Aegean is a public, multi-campus university located in Lesvos, Chios, Samos, Rhodes, Syros, and Lemnos, Greece offering a unique natural, cultural and human environment for modern studies in the ancient cradle of knowledge. It was founded in 1984 (Presidential Act 83/1984) aiming to introduce new approaches in higher education in Greece and worldwide and to promote regional development.
In less than thirty years, the UAegean has evolved into an international research–oriented University offering 18 undergraduate (BA or BSc) and 40 postgraduate (MA or MSc) programs in modern interdisciplinary thematic areas such as environment, communication systems, cultural informatics, product design, food and nutritional sciences, education design, and Mediterranean studies. In addition, the UAegean has joined international postgraduate programs (i.e. in Biodiversity, Environmental Policy and Management, European Integration) as well as joined Ph.D. degree programs in a wide range of thematic areas.
The UAegean has received consistently excellent feedback in evaluations that have taken place at national, European, and international levels, as a result of the study programs offered by the institution and its competitive research programs.
Website: www.aegean.gr
Contact: nancypyrini@aegean.gr

Duepunti APS is a Social Promotion Association headquartered in Florence, Italy.
The Association, which is a non-profit organization, operates in the European territory proposing to raise public awareness about the culture, values, and various kinds of U.E. issues, such as social and cultural ones.
Duepunti is a permanent center of community life, voluntary, and democracy whose each activity is aimed to promote, develop and pursue anti-discrimination, social inclusion, gender equality, personal life skills development, and social-psychological well-being at every stage of life.
It aims to promote the active participation of citizens in civil society, encouraging social change, development, and improvement of the reality in which we live.
Belong to duepunti associations, institutions, companies, and free citizens who want to evaluate and propose solutions to the new challenges of the European Union. The Association is also focused on young people promoting empowerment, youth work, and community development. One of the aims of the Association indeed is to encourage young people to participate in civil society, develop their own key competencies, and realize their interests.
In particular, DuePunti designs and implements youth work activities and is open to the participation of people who want to deepen their knowledge on the subject and build their professionalism in this field.

The Romanian Institute for Adult Education – IREA from Timisoara, was established in March 2000 as an independent research unit belonging to the Department of Education Sciences, Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, West University of Timisoara.
IREA is a pedagogic research institute in the field of adult and continuing education, aiming to provide scientific and methodological support for all adult education institutions in Romania and to establish the link between academics and practitioners in the adult learning area. The overall research aim is to improve the quality of education for adults and identify ways to enhance their ongoing participation in learning, and also to strengthen the lifelong learning dimension both at the individual and institutional levels.
IREA’s mission is to advance research and practice in the area of adult education in Romania and in Europe through supporting access to quality resources emerging from collaborative research & development practices and through proactive contributions to processes and products that aim to professionalize adult educators in Romania.
Website: www.irea.ro

The Rehabilitation Foundation “Speranta” has an experience of over 27 years in services of support and rehabilitation for disabled and special needs children and young people, information, counseling, and support for their parents, and involvement in inclusive education.
We developed and run accredited training programs for teachers in mainstream and special education to promote the right to education and implement teaching strategies to support disabled children’s inclusion in the educational system.
We have a training program accredited for teachers and school staff (Management of undesirable behaviors in school) for understanding and managing ADHD and behavioral challenging children. The Rehabilitation Foundation “Speranta” is also interested in the personal development of adults through education. That’s why the organization has set up a new community-based service for young people and adults in institutions who want to live in the community.
Website: www.fundatia-speranta.ro
A comprehensive kit for social inclusion of people with mental disabilities, Strategic Partnership for
Adult Education.

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